Intersectional Human Rights

The intersectional human rights framework recognizes the unique challenges faced by women, girls, and gender-diverse individuals with disabilities, considering how overlapping identities like race, gender, and socioeconomic status contribute to discrimination and inequality. This approach promotes understanding and addressing these intersecting factors to ensure equity and inclusion.


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Other Frameworks


DAWN Canada’s cross-disability approach recognizes and addresses the diverse experiences and needs of women, girls, and gender-diverse individuals with different types of abilities, including physical, sensory, intellectual, cognitive, psychological, mental, emotional, and psychosocial disabilities.

Life Course

This approach considers how social, economic, and environmental factors impact health across different life stages. It recognizes the interplay of identities and how these intersecting factors influence the experiences and opportunities of women, girls, and gender-diverse individuals who are Deaf and/or living with disabilities throughout their lives.

Social Determinants of Health

Social determinants of health are the social, economic, and environmental conditions that shape health outcomes. This perspective considers how overlapping identities like race, gender, disability, and socioeconomic status impact the health experiences of women, girls, and gender-diverse individuals with disabilities.