May 27, 2024

National AccessAbility Week 2024 - Take our survey on accessible childcare and dental care!

Text-based banner for National Accessibility Week with the slogan "Accessibility goes beyond affordability"


For National AccessAbility Week, from May 26 to June 1st, DAWN Canada is presenting a survey focusing on two important topics: Childcare for Parents with a Disability and the Canadian Dental Care Plan.  

Discussions and policies thus far have overused and misappropriated the term "accessibility," focusing narrowly on the cost and affordability of services. This approach neglects the broader and deeper aspects of accessibility that are crucial to the lived experiences of people with disabilities.

True accessibility encompasses more than just affordability, so let’s discuss what accessibility and inclusion really mean to you!

Take the survey!

Childcare for Parents with a Disability  

Did you know that inclusion is not mandated in Canada's childcare system?   

What is missing from Bill C-35 is an explicit focus on facilitating access to inclusive childcare for parents with disabilities. The concept of inclusion must support the experience of mothers and parents with disabilities, as well as those parents, guardians, and other caregivers experiencing most barriers to accessing childcare, such as immigrant and refugee parents, and parents living with low income or poverty. Accessible, inclusive and affordable childcare is crucial for families living in Canada. 

Are you a parent with a disability? We want to hear from you.

Share your voice in our National Accessibility Week Survey.

Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP)

The Canadian Dental Care Plan aims to reduce financial barriers to dental care, but financial accessibility is just one part of the puzzle. We need to understand what inclusive dental care looks like for children and parents with disabilities.  

What does inclusive dental care mean to you?  

What are the barriers you face in accessing dental care?  

How can these services be designed to better meet your needs? 

Take the survey and share what you have to say! 


By participating in our survey, you will provide invaluable insights that will inform our advocacy campaigns, research publications, educational resources, and policy recommendations. Your input will help us push for a more inclusive and accessible Canada. 

There is no compensation for completing this survey, but your contribution is priceless. We deeply appreciate your time and the insights you will share.   

Share your voice for National Accessibility Week!
Let's hear from the 30%+ of women and gender-diverse people in Canada living with a disability. 

Take the survey!