May 1, 2024

Outreach for Girls Without Barriers 2.0

Logo of Girls Without Barriers

Our Girls Without Barriers project is about listening to the experiences of the inclusion and exclusion of girls, young women and gender-diverse youth with disabilities across the country. The goal is to identify strategies and policy recommendations to best support their dreams. 

View the research posters

Poster for parents

Poster for youth

Who can participate?

  • People who identify as a girl, young woman or a gender-diverse youth.
  • People with a disability. For example, physical, sensory, learning (e.g. ASD, ADHD, NVLD, dyslexia), intellectual, developmental, and episodic disabilities (e.g. sickle cell anemia, anxiety, depression, epilepsy, chronic migraines). No diagnosis needed.
  • Youth between the ages of 12 and 25 years.

If you are the parent of a young person who is eligible, DAWN Canada would like to connect with them!


We will connect with participants in fun discussion groups and interviews in a safe, disability-inclusive and affirming environment, with their consent and caregiver’s consent (where applicable).

When and Where

We will interact with participants in-person, via phone or virtually at an agreed upon date, time and location until August 2024.

What’s in it for you?

  • A $75 honorarium/gift card
  • A DAWN Canada backpack
  • The opportunity to influence policy decisions
  • The opportunity to meet other girls and gender-diverse youth with disabilities
  • The opportunity to develop self-advocacy and leadership skills

To participate, fill out the online form: