Oct. 1, 2018

Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2018


Throughout October 2018, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the DisAbled Women’s Network of Canada (DAWN Canada) will be sharing information to raise awareness of the barriers which limit access to health care, along with resources to address them. Our resources focus on the particular challenges and successes that women with disabilities and Deaf women face in getting equitable breast cancer treatment.

Here is a summary of our available resources:

  • More details of these barriers can be found in our infographic on Cancer and Disability.
  • Our learning brief is full of concrete examples of what’s working and what can be done to increase access to health care services and improve on the low screening and higher morbidity rates we find still in women with disabilities and Deaf women.
  • Our PSA encourages people with disabilities and Deaf persons to get screened.


We have other resources on breast cancer and disability:



You can also “Like” us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter to show your support for health equity for people with disabilities!