Do the Rights Thing is a project focused on developing and implementing a system-level response to address systemic barriers to services and employment faced by women with disabilities and Deaf women. Working closely with employers, human rights organizations, women with disabilities/Deaf women, and other stakeholders, this project created practical tools, educational material, and public awareness campaigns on the human rights obligations of employers and service providers. This project also provided information on the social and economic benefits of equitable hiring and inclusive service provision.
Do the Rights Thing aimed to centre the diverse experience of women with disabilities and Deaf women by providing them with leadership roles throughout the project, and by incorporating their first-person accounts in the public awareness campaign and educational material mentioned above.
The DisAbled Women’s Network (DAWN) Canada, along with our key partner Canadian Council for Rehabilitation and Work (CCRW), fulfilled this project over the next three years and culminated in a national human rights forum on implementing systemic solutions in late 2019.
Funders and Partners
Ressources et publications
This document is a Community Impact Statement submitted by the DisAbled Women’s Network (DAWN) Canada on May 12, 2022. It addresses the disproportionate and systemic sexual violence experienced by women and girls with disabilities in Canada.